Bluehost Affiliate program The Bluehost Affiliate Program is a marketing program where you get fixed commissions to affiliates to drive new customers/referrals. How to sign up for Bluehost Affiliate Program S ign up for affiliate program for Bluehost is as simple as creating a Facebook account G o to this link :- Web Hosting Af filiate Program - Hosting Referrals - Bluehost First fill affiliate log in information The name which you will put account user will appear on your affiliate link And the password for login into this program and get your link Second comes to your personal details put your name, phone no you can skip the company and put address and website URL Third is your payment information In payment option bluehost give you option of Paypal so put your paypal email id After filling all the information you ready to go just click on sign up and congrats your affiliate account is created How to promote Bluehost Affili...
What is Bluehost? Bluehost is the hosting company. It was founded in Utah in 2003 by Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth. In 2010, the conglomerate Endurance International Group (EIG) purchased the company.Bluehost is a significant web host with a reputation for WordPress knowledge, a wide range of "one-stop-shop" services, and low costs. It is used by over 2 millions websites worldwide. How to create account on Bluehost ? C reate your account with simple 5 easy step 1) S ign up click on the link :- O nce you have click on the link you are going to see something like this click on the button Get started 2) S elect your plan Next you have to select a plan .I f you are a beginner I would recommend to go for plus once. 3) Register your Domain After you have successfully selected your its now time for you to create your domain or you have already one you can use 4) Account information Fill up your details or you can...